Feb 2011: 0.1 RELEASE!!!! Download it here. Work on 0.2 has already begun and will bring improvements to the detection and recognition. The current trunk version is already better at detection.
Dec 2010: We have implemented most of the features now. A lot of bugs have been ironed out. Hopefully version 0.1 will be out there very soon.
In Apr 2010, Google Summer Of Code has announced that Aditya Bhatt was accepted as part of the KDE organisation to work on tagging people using face recognition in digikam. This is one of the most requested feature in digikam and the whole of KDE. As part of his project he is going to contribute and then use libface as part of his project. Alex Jironkin and Marcel Wiesweg will be mentoring him for the duration of the project. We are all looking forward to him completing his project and wish him the best of luck.
Libface is a library aimed at bringing face recognition technology to the open source community. It is written in C++ and maintained on Sourceforge. The library uses OpenCV 2.0 and aims to be a middleware for developers that don’t have to include any OpenCV code in order to use face recognition and face detection detection.
Libface is built using Cmake. This allows it to be as cross platform as possible. Currently it has been tested with Mac OS X 10.6, Windows and Linux distributions.