libface - Face Recognition Library

0.1 is released! Finally after a lot of effort from different people 0.1 version is here to be downloaded!

The best way to download libface is to checkout from our SVN repository and build. It requires at least OpenCV 2.0 and Cmake.

NOTE: on OS X both cmake and OpenCV can be obtained through macports or fink. If you have installed Debian OpenCV package, please update to version 2.1. Otherwise cmake modules are not installed and the build will break.

svn co libface

Then build using:

mkdir build && cd build

cmake ..

sudo make install

Consider compiling with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug option to cmake. This gives you more debug information. By default installation is done into /usr/local.

-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF - will build some examples

If you want to include libface as part of your own program, then compile with -lface option.